
Why massage is good

massage is good

Massage is good because it has many benefits for the body and mind, including:

  • Helps relax the muscles Massage stimulates blood and lymph circulation. relax the muscles decreased pain feel more relaxed

  • Pain relief Massage stimulates the production of endorphins. Which is a hormone of happiness and helps relieve pain. Massage therefore helps reduce back pain, neck pain, headache, muscle pain. Menstrual pain, arthritis pain, etc.

  • Increase blood circulation Massage stimulates blood circulation. Makes the blood better carry oxygen to different parts of the body Resulting in a strong body, bright skin

  • Excrete waste from the body Massage stimulates the functioning of the lymphatic system. Makes waste better excreted from the body Helps reduce the risk of various diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.

  • Balance the body Massage stimulates the various systems in the body to work more efficiently. As a result, the body is strong and healthy.

  • Helps to sleep easier Massage helps to relax muscles and mind. Makes sleeping easier and more quality.

Massage also promotes interpersonal relationships. Massage is an activity that allows people to come closer to each other, talk to each other, and relieve stress. which contributes to building a good relationship between each other

How does massage help us?

Helps relax the muscles

Muscles are organs that move the body and help maintain the structure of the body. Massage stimulates blood and lymph circulation. relax the muscles decreased pain Feel more relaxed. In addition, massage also increases the flexibility of the muscles. make the body move better

Pain relief

Massage stimulates the production of endorphins. Which is a hormone of happiness and helps relieve pain. Massage therefore helps reduce back pain, neck pain, headache, muscle pain. Menstrual pain, arthritis pain, etc.

Increase blood circulation

Massage stimulates blood circulation. Makes the blood better carry oxygen to different parts of the body Resulting in a healthy body, bright skin. In addition, good blood circulation also helps to drive waste out of the body better. Helps reduce the risk of various diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.

Excrete waste from the body

Massage stimulates the functioning of the lymphatic system. Makes waste better excreted from the body Helps reduce the risk of various diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. In addition, the excretion of waste from the body also helps reduce edema. Help brighten your skin.

Balance the body

Massage stimulates the various systems in the body to work more efficiently. Resulting in a strong and healthy body. In addition, massage also helps to balance emotions and minds. calm the mind relax stress

Helps to sleep easier

Massage helps to relax muscles and mind. Makes sleeping easier and more quality. It also helps the body release neurotransmitters that help sleep, such as melatonin.

Promote interpersonal relationships

Massage is an activity that allows people to come closer to each other, talk to each other, and relieve stress. which contributes to building a good relationship between each other

Precautions for massage

Massage may not be suitable for everyone, such as those with injuries, fractures, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes or allergies. Consult your doctor before getting a massage.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above Massage can also improve your mental and emotional health. Massage relieves stress. reduce anxiety Helps to feel more relaxed and happier. In addition, massage stimulates the production of sleep-inducing neurotransmitters such as melatonin, which results in easier and better quality sleep.

Massage is an activity that is very beneficial to the body and mind. Helps to strengthen the body, good mood and sleep better.

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