
Japanese Massage


Japanese massage is an ancient massage technique that uses the hands to stimulate blood and lymph flow. stress relief and improve overall health.

There are many forms of Japanese massage. But the most common form is shiatsu, which translates to “finger pressure.” Shiatsu is a full-body massage that uses pressure, pressure points, and gentle movements to stimulate blood and lymph flow. stress relief and improve overall health.

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What is Japanese Shiatsu Massage?

Japanese Shiatsu Massage (Shiatsu Massage) or translated from Japanese is “Finger pressure” is an ancient massage technique from Japan that has its roots in Chinese medicine. Focusing on balancing important parts of the body to treat pain or tension in different parts of the body by focusing on using fingertips to create pressure in various positions in order to alleviate the abnormalities that occur

How is Japanese Shiatsu Massage different from Thai Massage?

  • Japanese Shiatsu massage mainly focuses on using fingertips to press on important points or problem areas of the body. While Thai massage uses fingertips, palms, forearms, elbows, knees and soles of feet to massage the body.

  • Japanese Shiatsu massage focuses on pressing the meridians (Meridians), which are the pathways in the body related to various organs. according to traditional Chinese medicine The massage weight is not distributed throughout the body like a traditional Thai massage.

  • Japanese Shiatsu massage is mainly aimed at balancing the body to be able to heal various symptoms by oneself, whereas Thai massage is a massage to treat the symptoms directly. And it’s also a massage to enhance relaxation.

Japanese massage uses a pressure point technique (Tsubo), which points on the body connected to the organs Acupressure stimulates blood and lymph circulation. which will help alleviate the pain pain and stress It also helps to balance the body and mind as well.

Japanese massage has many benefits, including:

  • relieve tension and stress

  • Improve blood and lymph circulation

  • pain relief

  • improve sleep

  • improve the immune system

  • improve mood

  • improve concentration

  • improve vitality

Japanese massage is a safe and effective massage technique for people of all ages. Suitable for people with various health problems such as back pain, neck pain, migraines and insomnia.

Here are some tips for finding a qualified Japanese massage therapist:

  • Ask your friends and family for recommendations.

  • Check the massage therapist’s license and documentation.

  • Make an appointment to speak with the massage therapist before starting the massage.

  • Tell the massage therapist about your medical history and your specific needs.

  • trust your intuition If you are uncomfortable with the massage therapist Stop the massage and find another massage therapist.

  • Japanese massage is an effective way to relieve stress.

    It is important to choose a well-trained and qualified massage therapist so that you can experience the full benefits of the massage.

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