
Blended Massage


It is a massage that uses massage techniques from various massage sciences to be combined in order to maximize the benefit of the massage recipient, for example, Thai massage combined with reflexology. Swedish massage combined with aromatherapy oil massage, etc.

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Combination massage is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Because it can meet the needs of a variety of massage recipients, for example, those who want to relax their muscles and mind. Thai massage can be combined with reflexology. People who want to recover after injury or exercise Sports massage can be used in conjunction with reflexology. People who want to relieve chronic pain Acupressure massage can be used in conjunction with acupuncture massage, etc.

Combining massage techniques vary from person to person. It depends on the experience and expertise of the massage therapist. Combination massage focuses on stimulating blood circulation. relax muscles and balance the body

The benefits of a combination massage include:

  • relax muscles and mind

  • pain relief

  • increase blood circulation

  • stimulate the immune system

  • balance the body

  • helps to sleep well

  • enhance overall health

Precautions for a combination massage include:

  • Inform the massage therapist about his medical history and any illnesses.

  • Inform the massage therapist if you are allergic to essential oils.

  • Stop the massage immediately if you feel pain or discomfort.

Combination massage is an increasingly popular choice today. because it can meet the needs of a variety of massage recipients Helps to relax the muscles and the mind. pain relief and enhance overall health

Combining massage aims to help the body achieve overall health. Relieve pain and muscle stiffness Promote the functioning of various systems in the body, relieve stress and increase concentration. helps to sleep better and help calm the mind

The most commonly used combined massage techniques are:

  • Thai Massage: Using the hands and elbows to press pressure points on the body, Thai massage relieves pain in muscles and joints. Stimulate blood and lymph circulation and help relieve stress

  • Western Massage: This is a massage that uses the hands and fingers to knead the muscles. stretching And acupressure points of the body. Western massage relieves pain in muscles and joints. Stimulate blood and lymph circulation and help relieve stress

  • Reflexology: This is a massage that uses your fingers to press on specific points of the body. Reflexology stimulates the flow of life energy and relieves pain.

  • Acupuncture Massage: This is a massage where needles are inserted into different points of the body. Acupuncture massage stimulates the flow of life energy and relieves pain.

Combining massage techniques may vary according to the needs of the massage recipient. The massage therapist will consider factors such as pain or physical abnormalities. The mental state of the massage recipient and the goal of the massage

Combining massage is an increasingly popular alternative therapy. It is effective in relieving pain and improving overall well-being. However, before undergoing a combination massage, it is best to consult with your doctor or massage therapist. For your safety and to get the most out of your massage.

Here are some examples of the benefits of a combination massage:

  • Relieve pain and muscle stiffness

  • Promotes the functioning of various systems in the body

  • Relieve stress and increase concentration.

  • Helps to sleep better

  • Helps to calm the mind

  • Boost immunity

  • Help lose weight

  • Help brighten your skin.

  • Help slow down aging

If you are looking for an effective alternative therapy. A combination massage can be an interesting alternative.

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